- Find a small rod. Typically, I've used one of the needles from upstairs to wind the wire around.
- You want to coil the wire so that you can generate a lot of heat in a localized place. The final length should be a little more than an inch long, but use the old filament as a guide for length.
- There should be a clip on the back side of the sample holder that you can slip your newly made filament through. This will pin down the filament close to the sample at half its length.
- Spot weld each end of the filament to the cylinders on the sample holder (these are the ones that the fork slide through).
Optional: Use an electrical feedthrough flange to connect to the sample holder. Test the filament in UHV by using the pump cart and a thermocouple (place on the side of the copper for good contact and appropriate measurement). Then you can know how hot the sample gets at varying power.
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